
Where to get content for digital signage displays?

On store advertising displays, moving image has the best attention value – according to research, it is up to 400% better than an image without any movement.

In digital signage, a moving image practically means an advertisement in video form. An advertising video can be produced in many ways, and in this article we will look at different options that can be used to produce content for the store’s advertising displays.

Also read the article: What does digital signage mean?

Making an ad in an advertising agency

Without thinking too much, what comes to mind is a video production planned and executed by an advertising agency, the kind we are used to seeing on television, online, in cinemas and, of course, on digital screens in shopping centers and stores.

The strengths of the advertising agency are ideation and high-quality final results. A lot of time is spent on planning the ad, and professionals from their own fields are involved in the different stages of the production. The finished ad is of high quality, it catches the viewer’s attention and can be presented in all formats, from phone screens to cinema screens.

The downsides of video productions with advertising agencies are the high price and the time required for production. The price of even a simple video production is in the four digits, and it can easily take weeks from the order to the finished video.

This operating model is suitable for the long-term image advertising of store chains, but when it comes to quick campaigns or, for example, the marketing of a single product, the equation does not work. The video advertisement made by the advertising agency is of high quality, but the production process is unnecessarily expensive and slow if the purpose is to do quickly responsive point-of-sales marketing.

Making a promotional video yourself with online tools

There are a few online services on the Internet, where it is possible to create an advertising template yourself with a browser and use the template to make various advertising videos. This is quite convenient if you are familiar with using the tools used in editing and know how to create visual expressions. Preferably together and in the same person. The price of a single video realized in this way is very affordable compared to those produced in an advertising agency, because you can make a lot of videos for the annual or monthly price.

There are still downsides to this too. Using online tools is not exactly easy and in any case you also need creative skills. Even if you know exactly what kind of ad you want, even a skilled user can’t create the final result that looks exactly as you want, because, for example, the available font selection is limited and the fonts are quite generic. Videos made with your own browser and online tools are inexpensive, but making them is slow and tedious.

Video production with marketing automation service

The third and most modern way to make an advertising video for the digital signage system, meaning the store’s advertising displays, is to use a service that automates the video production of advertisements. In practice, it means that the service provider creates an advertising template according to the customer’s brand, and the customer uploads his product price list in Excel format and images of the products to the service. After that, in a few minutes, the system makes high-quality videos of the desired products that match the look of the brand, which can be used for advertisements.

In addition to content suitable for own advertising displays, the system also creates content in the formats required by other media with the same effort and all in one go. The service is billed monthly and videos can be made according to the selected service package or even unlimited. Creative skills are not needed, as the advertising agency’s professionals create the basis for the visual look according to the client’s wishes.

Making video productions with marketing automation is cost-effective and fast. The ads follow the brand’s visual look, and making them doesn’t take time and doesn’t require creative input. The downside is that the system is not the best for brand advertising, but is primarily suitable for tactical advertising.

Pros and cons

Producing content in an advertising agency

+ creative ideas
+ high quality
– takes time
– expensive price

Producing content yourself with online tools

+ inexpensive
+ no restrictions on quantity
– takes time
– requires creative skills
– not necessarily in line with the brand look

Producing content with a marketing automation service

+ inexpensive
+ fast
+ does not require creative input
+ makes versions for different media at once
– doesn’t really lend itself to brand advertising