
Affordable video production service – does such a thing even exist?

The need for marketing videos is constantly growing, but traditional video production can be expensive and time-consuming. Is it possible to produce high-quality promotional videos without big budgets and long production schedules? Yes it is.

Affordable video production service – does such a thing even exist?

The need for marketing videos is constantly growing, but traditional video production can be expensive and time-consuming. Is it possible to produce high-quality promotional videos without big budgets and long production schedules? Yes it is.

Videos are needed more and more in marketing all the time. The means of advertising have changed and there is a constant need for good quality advertising videos. The competition for customers’ interest is fierce and a moving image attracts attention effectively. However, the production of promotional videos is an expensive endeavor, isn’t it? Yes and no. This article opens this oracle-like answer and explains how videos intended for advertising use can be realized in a cost-effective way, even in large quantities.

Video production can be expensive…

When a company needs an effective video, an advertising agency is a natural entity to turn to. The strengths of advertising agencies’ video productions are careful planning and high-quality execution.

There are many work steps and several people are needed to do them. We sit in planning meetings with the contact people, the copywriter refines the script, the AD makes the storyboard, the video producers film or the animators animate, the sound designer produces the soundtrack and so on.  It takes time and money, but the end result is a good, high-quality video about one carefully selected product or service.

…or video production can be affordable

The previous example showed how the time spent on planning and production is the reason why video productions are expensive. What if we could cut out these cost-increasing elements and make multiple videos with the same effort? Well, we can. By automating them.

Instead of focusing on making one video and fine tuning it endlessly, we take it as a starting point that we produce a promotional video for, say, each of your products or services. Then the costs per video remain low. Second, by automating the actual execution of the video, several costly steps in the production process can be eliminated.

Can an automated video look good?

A lot of doubts can be associated with automated video production, such as has too much things been cut and can such a thing look good and in be line with the brand?

The common thing in a video made by an advertising agency and an automated service that in both cases the professionals plan what the advertising video looks like. The difference is that in an automated video production, instead of one advertising video, a video template is made, using which the customer can produce almost endless videos with different contents. 

The ad base or template is designed to match the colors, logos, fonts, etc. of the client’s company completely in line with the brand, so the end result is in no way different from videos made at a much higher price.

Automatic video production


When the processes that require the most time, creativity and costs have been removed from video production, it is clear that the biggest advantages of automatic video production are speed and cost. In practice, and converted into actual benefits, this means three significant points:

  • You can make videos even if you are not a professional
  • You can make a promotional video for each of your products
  • You can react to changed needs and make a new video in an instant

Videos can also be produced in different formats with the same effort, so you can also put your advertising video on the company’s website or even on social media.

And cons

Automated video production is at its best in tactical and promotional advertising, where a product or service and its price are presented. If you need a scripted and acted commercial spot or a company presentation video filmed on location, you should still order them from an advertising agency.

Shut up and take my money, how do I get this?

If you became interested and feel that automated video content production could be just the right solution for the needs of your store or chain of stores, contact us and we will tell you more about our storefy adbot service.