
Video came to the A-Boards

Video is superior as an attention grabber. Our gaze turns in the direction of the movement, whether we want it or not. So it’s no wonder that the Digital A-board showing videos is a really effective advertising tool.

Video came to the A-Boards

Video is superior as an attention grabber. Our gaze turns in the direction of the movement, whether we want it or not. So it’s no wonder that the Digital A-board showing videos is a really effective advertising tool.

The advertising stand standing on its own feet, shaped like the letter A on the side, is familiar to everyone from storefronts, apartment presentations, trade fairs, everywhere where you want to convey something to people passing by. Already since the comb ceramic period, the message on them has been in the form of a poster, either written with a marker, in the style “candies €1.30/100 g”, or as a printed poster. However, what they have always had in common is that they are immobile, unless someone picks up the stand and carries it with them to the crowd.

The competition for consumers’ eyes is fierce

However, the world has changed and development has developed. We are bombarded with various marketing messages thousands of times every day. According to an estimate made in 2021, a consumer in the United States will see 6,000 to 10,000 ads per day. Back in 2007, that number was an average of 5,000 ads per day, so at least the trend is not downward. Maybe in Finland you won’t reach the same numbers as in the USA, but you will certainly not be very far from that. The point is, however, that the competition for people’s attention is fierce, and in that struggle, a motionless poster on the A stand will not help, when there are more dynamic advertising tools.

Read also: A traditional advertising stand or a digital A-board?

Moving image attracts

All kinds of advertisements based on moving images have flooded the market like a tsunami with digital development. And no wonder, because the power of a moving image to attract attention is undeniable. According to research, movement arouses our interest 400% more effectively than a stationary object. There are good reasons for this, as evolution has favored individuals who have detected predators that threaten their existence in time and, accordingly, have caught their prey before others. Even though saber-toothed tigers no longer chase us and we can get food from the store, we can’t help the call of our blood – movement makes our heads turn whether we like it or not.


The digital A-board is an advertising stand on steroids

Because the moving image is so superior as an attention grabber, it has also entered the A-boards. Instead of a printed poster, a luminous, digital advertising screen has been planted on the stand, which stands on its own legs. The term falls under the umbrella term digital signage. The same category also includes, for example, information displays, informative touch screens and electronic shelf labels.

In front of the store, the digital A-board, which uses changing content and moving images, is like a traditional advertising stand on steroids. In addition to videos, it can of course also present still images and texts, but video is the most effective of these. In addition to attracting attention, the strengths of videos include the ability to generate stronger reactions in the brain. Products and their use can be presented in a more versatile way in a video, and it is also much easier to convey different emotional states than through an advertising poster alone.

It is also essential that there can be several contents to be presented. In the short time it takes a passer-by to walk in front of the store, the digital A frame sign has time to throw quite a few hooks, one of which might trip, allowing the passer-by to be reeled into the store.

Does moving image increase sales?

The question on everyone’s lips is, of course, does showing videos on the A-board increase sales? There are studies that show that sales can increase by up to 12% when a product is presented on a digital screen. This in itself is not surprising, because it is the most suitable place and time for marketing on behalf of the store. Especially in shopping centers, where people already visit with the proverbial buying pants on.

Interest aroused in the right place can turn into a willingness to buy, which can also be put into practice right away. For example, if in the video of the advertising screen, a steaming and juicy piece of pizza, with melted cheese stretching from the edges, starts its journey towards a hungry mouth at the tip of the fork, the passer-by has to exert their willpower to the utmost in order to avoid the temptation to go for the pizza. The effect is completely different than if an advertising poster just read “Pizza X euros”.

Once we started talking about money, in addition to increased sales, the Digital A-board increases profitability through time savings. Ads can be scheduled far into the future at once, so staff time is saved from changing ads to actual, effective sales work.

Increase in sales when the product is presented on a digital screen:

Even 11,5 % *

You should start improving your sales now

The moving image is here to stay, and the chain entrepreneur following its time should be at the forefront of replacing the old A-Boards and static posters with digital displays. Thus, the greatest benefits can be measured from the opportunities brought by new technology. When the new is new, it interests the most and then the attention value is at its highest.